First Space Wedding

space wedding

First Space Wedding

The Space Wedding is a futuristic wedding which takes place in outer space. It’s set in space and has first been seen in the series “Graybles 1000+,” where it was set up above a barge floating in water. In this series, it’s featured in the second episode as a reception ship. It’s off the coast of California.

There are many different ways to celebrate a space wedding according to tradition. But some people choose to follow a more futuristic way of celebrating, and that’s through a space flight simulator wedding ceremony. This is done through creating a ceremony and reception in outer space, which is then recreated on Earth. A lot of money and effort goes into planning this kind of ceremony, because not only must the ceremony take place in space, but it must also be filmed by an astronaut and presented in front of millions if not billions of eyes.

A typical space wedding would have a video link between the groom and the bride and also take place aboard an international space station. Pictures would be taken and sent back to Earth so that friends and family could see the spectacular ceremony and reception on the way. It is quite impressive actually just how accurate many of the decorations and even elements of the wedding march are. There are some spectacular pictures which can be seen online courtesy of a YouTube video link below.

The marriage ceremony on the International Space Station would be rather formal as well. There is a full service wedding service where a clergyman presides and then a ring bearer carries the bride’s ring and groom’s ring to place on the finger of the newlyweds. Then there is a banquet where dinner is served and there is a performance by a string quartet.

For the actual wedding ceremony, there would be a big ceremony at the launch pad where the couple is welcomed by cosmonaut Alexander Skripkin and become engaged with a traditional Russian kiss. After this they are taken to the cosmonaut control center for their one and only wedding in space. The wedding march is performed by a choir and then the couple are married inside the Soyuz capsule while wearing their wedding dresses. Pictures are taken and broadcast back to Earth from the space station and then the wedding reception is held in a restaurant on the Russian space ship.

The first space wedding was made more memorable when both cosmonauts, Maxim Ushkin and Alexander Parikov were selected as the grooms and the first ever cosmonaut to marry. They successfully tied the knot in November of 1993. Although the wedding was not televised back then, a record-breaking video was made of the event and was later used in films and TV shows. It showed the two cosmonauts exchanging their one and only traditional kiss, before being mounted on the Soyuz capsule and taken away for their voyage to the international space station.