How to Choose the Right Wedding Rings

wedding rings

As a symbol of eternal love and commitment, wedding rings are a prized adornment. They’re also a piece of jewellery that is worn on the hands most of the day, meaning it needs to be both comfortable and stylish. But with so many different options available, it can be difficult to find the perfect one for you and your partner. That’s why we asked two expert jewellers to share all their tips on how to choose the right wedding ring set for you.

A great place to start is looking at the jewelry you already wear and what colours and styles you love. You might find that you’re more of a gold person, or a fan of blue sapphires over diamonds for example. From there you can decide what metals, gem shapes and designs you prefer. You can even try color coordinating your ring by matching it to your outfit. For instance, a lighter toned ring like The Showrunner would look really nice when worn with a white outfit.

Another thing to consider is your lifestyle. The ring will be on your hand daily and will likely get caught on things all the time, so you want to make sure it’s something that you can live with. This is especially true if you have an active lifestyle or work with your hands a lot, and this is why a flat band can be a more practical choice compared to something more ornate.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a trusted professional. Whether that’s your best friend or a trusted jeweller, they can be a great source of information and advice about what kind of ring will suit you. They can give you a better idea of what kind of style, material and stone you should go for, as well as how to select the right size for your finger.

Once you’ve determined what type of ring you want and have a good idea of your budget, it’s important to take some time to think about the design details that are most meaningful to you. After all, this is something you will be wearing for the rest of your life so you want to ensure that it’s a design that you truly love.

It’s also a good idea to think about what you want your ring to say about you and your relationship. For instance, if you and your partner have a deep appreciation for nature then you might want to consider a design that incorporates elements of the outdoors.

The most important thing to remember is that the ring doesn’t just signify your relationship, it is your ring and you should wear it with pride. We often see couples that take their rings off for a range of reasons, from practical to just being uninterested, but it’s so sad that they’re choosing to not wear something that can be a huge symbol of their commitment. Let’s make sure that your wedding ring is the one you love, and not the one you take off in shame!