Thinking in Circles


Rings are circular bands worn on the finger and have been used as symbols of love, power, loyalty, and magic. They can be made of any material that holds its shape and is durable enough for daily wear, but they are most commonly made of precious metals such as gold and silver. Depending on the intended meaning of the ring, it may have one or more gemstones. In some societies, rings are even used as a mark of betrothal or marriage. They are also widely worn by athletes as a symbol of their achievement.

There are many different types of rings, ranging from simple bands to elaborate pieces with numerous diamonds and other gems. Some rings are designed to represent specific occasions, such as a wedding ring or an engagement ring, while others are more general, like a friendship ring. The most common function of a ring, however, is to show commitment. This can be done in a variety of ways, including wearing the ring on the left hand or promising to never leave someone.

The concept of a ring is an important one in mathematics and physics. In algebraic geometry, a ring is a symmetrical ring with multiplicative identity and additive inverse. Rings are also important in number theory, algebra, and other fields of mathematics.

A ring can be seen in nature as well, as the rings of Saturn, Jupiter, and other planets contain rings of dust and debris. These rings are thought to form from the collapse of a moon, and the particles that make up these rings can be recycled as new moons are formed. Scientists are still learning more about these rings and how they form.

Interestingly, there are many similarities between the structure of a ring and traditional story structures. For example, the ring has a circular structure and a midpoint that contains the key insight that allows the hero to solve his problem. The ring also does not require that the hero be in a particularly good or bad situation just before the climax.

In Thinking in Circles, Mary Douglas explores the possibilities opened up by the ring composition form. Her interdisciplinary approach to literary analysis draws inspiration from Roman Jakobson’s theory of parallelism as an inherent faculty in the relation between language and grammar. Douglas sees the ring composition form as an excellent vehicle for the analysis of stories, both ancient and modern.

The most popular type of ring today is the wedding ring, which is a sign of eternal love. This type of ring can be worn on the right or left hand and is often decorated with diamonds. In addition to being a romantic symbol, the wedding ring is also an important symbol of legal union in most cultures. This is especially true in countries where marriage is not a religious ceremony. In addition, the wedding ring may serve as a reminder of a vow of fidelity in some religions.