The Symbolism of Wedding Rings

wedding rings

The symbolism behind wedding rings is as old as time itself. The ring is traditionally worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, where there is a vein believed to lead to the heart. But many European countries now wear them on the right hand. So where did the tradition begin and where do we get our rings today? Let’s look at the history of wedding rings and how they have come to symbolize the union of a man and a woman.

Historically, most couples choose to continue wearing their wedding bands throughout their lives. Some spouses even never take them off. Others have jobs that make them unsuitable for wearing rings all day. Still others choose to wear them on a chain around their necks. Either way, the rings become cherished family heirlooms. You can pass them down for generations as a reminder of the most special day of your life. You might even get one to remember the day you got engaged!

When wearing your rings, consider the way you intend to wear them. You may want to wear the engagement ring on the left hand, while the wedding band goes on the right. This may look better on the left hand, but if you have a shorter finger, wearing both rings on the same finger may make it appear too short. Some couples like to wear their rings on their right hand, but the style of each is very personal. You will want to find something that is comfortable to wear, regardless of which one you choose.

Wedding rings symbolize eternal love. The circular shape of a ring has been used as a metaphor throughout history. It represents the perfection of God, heaven, and eternity. Its symmetry has also made rings a symbol of eternal love. Traditionally, men and women both wear rings. For centuries, this practice continued in the United States, until it was outlawed. The tradition of wearing two rings was a symbol of a marriage that lasted until the 20th century.